Bit Table Analyzer


General description

The Bit Table Analyzer is part of the Online Bit Analyzer and Offline Bit Analyzer applications. It shows the decoded bits in a graphical format.



Selecting Properties from the pop-up menu opens the following Configuration dialog box.







Line length

Line length in milliseconds.


Number of lines

Number of lines in display


Line start offset

The offset means how much the signal is delayed, in milliseconds, before printing starts from zero position.


Line width

Line width in pixels.

Line space

Number of pixels between lines


Bit 0 color

Defines a color used in ‘0’ bit printing.


Bit 1 color

Defines a color used in ‘1’ bit printing.

Space color

Defines a color, which is used to separate lines.



Stop / Start

The pop-up menu command starts or stops display updating



If selected from the pop-up menu, the bitmap is shown in original size. If not selected, the bitmap is re-sized to fit the window.


Copy to Clipboard

The pop-up menu command which copies the current window to the Windows Clipboard.



The pop-up command which gives information about the analyzer.