The Analysis of unknown or even known systems is a very important part to serious radio monitoring on ShortWave. Whether to increase one's personal knowledge about the numerous different keying signals or justattempting to analyse something new and apparently undecodeable - a good data analyser is an important tool.
Many decoders available today can offer baud speed measurement - so can CODE30, but CODE30 goes much further than that. CODE30 is able to measure system parameters never before available with hardware decoders.
Baud speed to a genuine accuracy of 0.0001 Baud (fingerprint), the keying system's shift to the nearest 1 Hz, look and measure individual element lengths, mark to space ratio, test for synchronous/asynchronous, graphically display the element patterns.
Auto-correlate the keyed signal's bit pattern to search for tell tale signs of repetitiveness, or not! Display the analysed keyed signal with varying decoding alphabets (ITA2, ITA3, ITA2-P, CCIR476, CCITT5) with character, bit or no interleaving, various character lengths (from 5 to 9), various channel polarities - all to try to identify the keying system's construction.
The facilities made available by using this Data analysis software will go a long way towards reducing the number of times one says 'I wish I knew what thissystem was'!
The following screen dumps show just some of the modules available:
Oscilloscope showing four frequency Twinplex signal
Shift Speed Measurement module showing four frequency Twinplex
AutoCorrelation Bit module showing 100 Baud Sitor B
with 35 element repetition. Top screen half shows bits
from 0 to 512, Bottom half is the frist 100 bits 'zoomed' in.
Autocorrelation MOD of unknown signal after FFT
shows it to be a 50 Baud signal
Speed Bit module shoiwing Asynch. 7 ½ element of
50 Baud Baudot signal.