Character Set Configuration

CW and RTTY character set is fully configurable. By pressing ‘Character Set Definition’ button in the CW/RTTY RX or TX the configuration dialog will open the following character set configuration dialog. The example dialog is for CW decoder and transmitter. The character set configuration dialog for RTTY is similar, but code values are different ('-' and '.' in CW and '1' and '0' in RTTY)



New characters can be added for CW by pressing the Add button. In RTTY, the button is disabled, because the total amount of characters (=64) is fixed.

Edit button is used to change selected characters. It is not possible to edit RTTY control characters like figure and letter shift symbols.

Set Default button will return the default character set.

Load buttons loads character set into the editor.

Save button is used to save character set into a file. If the character set is saved or loaded from a file, the character set is loaded automatically when configuration is loaded.