Bit Message Tool


General description

This is tool for showing the bits in the message format. It means, that the bit stream can be divided into several bit groups with different sizes. The contents of the bit fields are shown in the format (number/character) generally selected in the bit display tool. The messages are defined in the dialog shown below:






Add Field

This will add a new field into message. The position of a new field in the message can be selected with the mouse. Clicking ‘Add/Edit Field’ button will open a dialog shown below:





Define Field Width

If this is selected, the field size can be defined. Otherwise the value currently set in the bit display tool (bits/character) will be used.


Field Width

This is the number of the bits in the field.


Field Name

This is the name of the field.


Delete Field

This will delete the selected field of the message.



This will allow edit the selected field of the message.



This creates a new message. It asks the number of fields in the message and creates as many fields with the currently used character size in bits as a default size of the field (in 8-bit ASCII it’s 8).




This loads message definitions from the file.



This saves message definitions to the file.