CCIR 242
(aka TDM 242 / ARQM2-242, ARQM4-242)
Synchronous Duplex ARQ system using the 7 bit
error correcting ITA 3 alphabet consisting of one, two or four
channels in time division multiplex to the CCIR 242
Recommendation. Although now superseded by more recent and
improved CCIR 342-2 it is still in use by many stations. The two
stations use different frequencies for full duplex operation.
The 1 channel system does not use any interleaving at all. All
characters are sent erect.
The 2 channel system is simply made from interleaving erect
characters for channel A and inverted characters
for channel B, i.e. A,-B,A,-B,A,-B,A,-B etc.
The 4 channel system has channels A and C character interleaved
and with the addition of channel B being bit interleaved with
channel A and channel C bit interleaved with D. Channel A is
erect, B/C/D inverted.
Due to the transmission system not containing any reliable
information to enable correct synchronisation, both the genuine
users of this mode (and you!) will have to manually resynchronise
Possible character repetition cycles are 4, 5 or 8 characters.