To the "NEWBEE" Info Page

Computer Aided Technologies

Since 1989, The Recognized Leader in Computer Control

While TODAY you will find the BEGINNINGS of our newest endeavor. TOMORROW, you will find more and more reasons to come back. We would really like to get you interested in one of the most fascinating, rewarding and just plain FUN hobbys around. COMPUTER AIDED LISTENING. Since you already have HALF of the necessary equipment (it took a computer to get here...right?), then the other half is really a matter of what is available, and what you can afford.


First let us say that this is not a HAM radio hobby. True, many of our customers have "graduated" to ham radio, while others have "graduated" from Ham Radio , but the overwhelming majority of the hobby is enjoyed by men and women that do not have a radio license, and will never be interested in getting one ! In the next few pages, we will try to make it as simple as possible, and will give you plenty of other resources to link to, that will guide your information gathering and equipment shopping.

To save time click on your field of interest and go directly to that subject, OR scroll through the entire document

You will notice that TODAY we have added some more material (Scanners part THREE)

Again..... Please come back again in a couple of days. Look for MORE information Daily!
In the meantime, look over the links to other places and dealers. Download our Demos and literature. If you have questions give us an E-Mail. We will be MORE than willing to guide you toward a truely fascinating hobby!.

So FAR, we have divided the "interests" into the below basic categories:

Page prepared by tchandle@scancat.com