These specialized adaptors were developed to convert a standard
serial cable for use with M-7000 and M-8000 decoders, and the NRD-535.
Our adaptor permits a regular 25 pin serial cable
to be connected to the M-7000, M-8000 Universal TNC, and the NRD-535
JRC radio.While the manuals for this equipment show you how to
build your own cable, we have found that most users either do
not have the technical expertise to build their own cable, or
do not wish to spend the time and effort. The Universal M-7000, M-8000
TNCs do not use a standard pin out on their serial port connector.
This adaptor simply plugs between the cable and the Universal unit.
The NRD-535 JRC can be computer controlled. The cable available from the factory
is $65.00. With our adaptor, simply plug in the adaptor between
the radio and the serial cable coming from the computer.
CAT-7000 Serial Adaptor for M-7000 $24.95
CAT-8000 Serial Adaptor for M-8000 $24.95
CAT-535 Serial Adaptor for NRD-535 $24.95
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