Computer Aided Technologies

Since 1989, the recognized Leader in Computer Control

COPYCAT-PRO ( Ver. 2.1)

You can spend a lot more $$$$$$, but you'll never find a better value than COPYCAT. COPYCAT is tested by Hams and Shortwave listeners like you who own the equipment we support. Many of the features supported in our program were suggested by customers who use our programs. We use COPYCAT with OUR equipment. We also use extensive BETA testing before releasing a new product. The results are a program that is easy to use and totally functional. COPYCAT is not copy protected. We believe that reasonably priced, quality software, puts our program within the reach of you the hobbyist without having to resort to copy protection. AND..... Our _one_ program RUNS ALL THE DECODERS WE SUPPORT. If you own more than one TNC or purchase another in the future, you never need to buy another control program.

COPYCAT presently supports:



AEA'S PK-232

MFJ'S MFJ-1278

Our software allows complete control of all functions by the manufacturer's hardware.

COPYCAT allows you to :

1.Use simple pull down menus to change virtually all the functions of the TNC. All commands are in plain english. With the M-7000, you can literally throw away the manual, or the keyboard shortcut chart, because all commands are right on the screen for easy access.

2.With COPYCAT, you have complete control over BAUD and SHIFT. In fact, you have MORE control than with the normal front panel pushbuttons, because you have the ability to program your OWN baud and shift from the pull down menus. Even non-standard parameters! With the Universal M-8000, for instance, with the "old way" of pushing buttons, you must cycle through all the choices to get to the right one. With COPYCAT, no more "cycling" through all the choices.

3. COPYCAT has an entire pulldown menu of 20 PROGRAMMABLE Macro's. Automate your most used functions and put them in one of our Macros. With COPYCAT'S exclusive Macro language, you can combine several keystroke functions into ONE simple macro, permitting you to change mode, baud and shift with single command!

4. COPYCAT has an exclusive EDITABLE text screen (buffer). This permits you to not only view incoming decoded text, but SCROLL, EDIT, CUT & PASTE, and save your text to disk files for later retreival. All while COPYCAT receives your incoming data.

5. COPYCAT uses a "windows-like" environment. But, COPYCAT does not require windows. It operates from DOS. All functions can be accessed with a mouse, OR if you prefer, simply hold down the ALT key in combination with the menu item and it will be actuated.

The required hardware is an IBM/PC compatible computer with at least 640K of ram, 1 drive, minimum 1 serial port (2 required if you use a mouse). Minimum CGA


With the M-7000 and M-8000, a special serial cable is required. Your manual describes how to build this cable, or, we sell an adaptor that simply plugs into a standard serial cable for effortless conversion. If you would like to order this adaptor, please call our order desk, or send your order to the below address. Please specify one of the two below adaptors, depending on your model.

CAT-7000 FOR UNIVERSAL M-7000) retails for $24.95

CAT-8000 FOR UNIVERSAL M-8000) retails for $24.95



The most dramatic CHANGE between COPYCAT 1.02 and COPYCAT-PRO 2.1 is the addition of SCANCAT's file structure. This gives you the ability to not only control the TNC of your choice, but also at the same time control the radio. It was suggested by one of our BETA testers as an "improvement". The idea was originally suppossed to simply give the ability to READ a SCANCAT file (since he already owned the program),but by the time it was pulled off the drawing board, well, we got a bit carried away.

The SECOND most dramatic change is the addition of MACROS within these frequency files to control the TNC. These macros are instructons to the TNC to change mode, baud rate and shift. These instructions along with the frequency are all sent simultaneusly to the TNC and the Radio.

Last, but not least, is the newly improved Viewer Pull-Down Menu System. This a dramatic improvement from Version 1.02. the "old" COPYCAT was rather "cludgy" with viewing help or text files. The new system in Ver 2.1 lets you have up to THREE simultaneous pull downs accessable, in addition to the normal 32K buffer for incoming text from the TNC. A simple Key press will access any of these three screens. We presume you will read the manual and the parts pertaining to the "TOP MENU BAR", that pull down the menus for FILES, MODE etc. If you are already an owner of COPYCAT- 1.02 then the basic concept and user interface has not changed, merely improved. The interaction between frequency files and the terminal portion of the program is a BREEZE to use. The fact IS you are really going to enjoy using our new frequency and macro combination!


P.O. BOX 18285 - SHREVEPORT, LA 71138

ORDER DESK - PHONE 318-687-4444

FAX 318-686-0449

COPYCAT-PRO 2.1 $79.95 S & H $5.00

International Money Orders - MasterCard / Visa
(COD's and Checks only in USA)

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