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CODE300-32Bit Windows VersionBeta screenshots |
Code 332 - Multitasking Data Analyzer Demodulator and Decoder for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
CODE332 is the latest decoder from HOKA AND now for the first time offers FULL Windows™ support! The screenshots below show some of the new features that this decoder offers, note that this IS a beta and as such some features or displays may change. These pictures below show the decoder, shift/speed, mode menu and some systems being decoded.
This is the MFSK mode Coquelet8 at 26.67bd being decoded, note the status line showing AFC and current tone channel. To the right you see the main tuning status bar with all relevent details - Buad, Shift, Center Freq, Alphabet, Demodulator and Bit Mask for ITA2. For those with Code3x's etc will know of the 'basic' FAX module you used to get. Well here is the new and improved Windows version! A little better yes? This shot gives you an idea of the "2" mode operation. Unlike most normal decoders Code332 allows you to open other modes while decoding the main window, so as we see here you can watch the Algerian SKYFAX traffic and catch the ALE calls inbetween without having to change anything :-) The newer Code3Gold and Code30/300 allowed you to "quick" swap modes with the [TAB] key but this is way better! Piccolo 6 - UK FCO/MIL signal sending RY's note now only 1 window and not 2 or 4 as some other decoders need ... Hmmmm! Again another shot of dual mode working, here we see a MIL110a signal being decoded while watching the ALE data exchange below the main window. And as with all modes the main tuning window is always present and working. If your hardware is capable then you can have multiple mode windows open and as a signal changes you can without doing anything have it decode! Handy for watching multiple modes and scanning about the bands. Some sample HF - ACARS data being decoded live and then scrolled back in the text window. Code 332 - The new look front end - Simple yet functional do you not agree? This is the main program window, the top menu allows quick access to all the decoder functions: Mode Modules, Analysis, Demodulator, Editor and Setup. A row of push-buttons provide access to the functions often used, like auto classification and the shift / speed measurement module. The 'small window' analyzer display allows for fast tuning and for the adjustment of the decoder center freq and the roofing filter. These settings can be accessed with just one click of the mouse! Point and click the mouse to set the lower and upper limits for the roofing filter. Another click can set the center freq anywhere on the main analyzer window! This allows for just tuning around or snagging those signals that ' pop' out of the noise! PSK31 and the Phase Plane module. Oscilloscope. As stated above Code332 is a true multitasking program. Here we see it working simultaneously on the same siganl in multiple modules! It will be able to decode the signal, show the speed / shift, the correlation, bit analysis and all the other mode sub options at once. Note you can *choose* any module and all these tools are always a mouse click away. You can choose to leave the bit rate or shift / speed windows open when tuning about or of you just want to keep an eye on a system's parameters. Oscilloscope, Custom Demodulator and Baudot again! A basic description of a decoder module. Looking at this screenshot you see in the upper blue part the text decoded in real time. During decoding it is possible to scroll all the received text in the buffer shown in the upper window. This window also allows the text to be edited and saved! The lower dark blue status bar contains relevant information about the current mode being decoded. To the right of the programs main window you see at the top 'Mode Control / Screen Control' - this shows all the commands that relate to the system being decoded like: Baud Speed, Signal Shift, Center Frequency, Demodulator, Choosen Alphabet and then text options like C[R]I, U[S]OS, L[T]R, F[I]G and also saving of the decoded text OR audio to a file. Cursor control for the center freq and the roofing filter. Coquelet 8 in action. Decoding NUM13. Another HF module for RAC-ARQ aka MEROD. Here is some FEC-100(A). Same FEC-100(A) now with bit analysis as well! RACAL SKYFAX and the main HF mode menu shown. MIL188-141A aka ALE shown here sending TFC. POL-ARQ - Note the status line showing CRC along with other important mode based data. Another of the not so used modes now but still included (just in case!) HC-ARQ. |