What windows operating system are you using? If it is Vista, make sure you have "permission" to write to the designated location (folder/directory). Vista is VERY restrictive about "file permissions".

Here are the basic instructions on saving a file when using Scancat

Once you have the radio's frequencies in the "grids"

1 - go to the FILES menu and choose "save file" from the pulldown

Click on this link to see screen shot

2 - Navigate to a folder
        (preferred location would be c:\Program Files\Scancat-Lite-Plus\RSD_DatabaseFiles)

Click on this link to see screen shot



That should do it. - If not  - you will have to make sure you have permission to save the file to the chosen location, even to the point of setting the "share" properties. RIGHT CLICK on the folder you want to change permissions on and choose the "Sharing and security option"

Click on this link to see screen shot

 FYI -  If you can't figure this out, you can find out how to do this by using the "windows help" in the control panel

Click on this link to see screen shot


We are using scancat lite on a Radio Shack scanner. We are able to read the radio into the program. However, we can't seem to be able to figure out how to save that file. When the save file screen comes up, in the "save file type as box" I am unalbe to select anything in the drop down, so I am unable to save. Are we missing a step?
We are using windows Vista.
Susan Steinmetz

Best regards

Jim Springer
Computer Aided Technologies
 - http://www.scancat.com -
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