Log in as an administrator.
Download your new personal.key file from
Example Only: www.estlab.com/plus/dlvf/XXXXXXXX.key
Please save the file personal.key to SkySweeper's home directory
(typically: c:\Program Files\SweepSky\SkySwePls413)
There is a moderated newsgroup for discussions
Please join in.
Short guides for a later use
This is a short installation guide for old PLUS customers
This may be too detailed, but too much is better than too little
Skip the unnecessary
You need a Windows (95/NT/2000/XP) system with a FULL DUPLEX sound card
and some program to unpack compressed zip files e.g. Winzip
Please do as follows:
Step 0 ( If necessary )
Go to the control panel and select ADD/REMOVE programs
remove SkySweeper
Step 1
Download SkySweep PLUS demo to some folder e.g C:\temp
You get the latest version from www.SkySweep.com
You get C:\temp\SkySwePls.zip
Step 2
Unzip it with Winzip to C:\temp
You get C:\temp\*
Step 3
Go to \temp
Click setup
Allow the SkySweeper launch
You have SkySweeper PLUS working in demo mode
The following steps are started automatic
Step 4
Start SkySweeper from
Menu \ Programs \ SkySweeperPLUS
or C:\Program Files\SweepSky\SkySweeper412\SkySweeper
The system asks for registering information at the first time
Or click the registration in the top line and fill the coupon.
Fill the credit card. The credit card line may be 4444 4444...
This service is free of charge
Step 5
Send the register card to us info2@skysweep.com
or FAX +3589 8514 639 ( c:\Program Files\SweepSky\SkySweeper*\regcard.txt )
We will reply with a matching personal.key activation file
NOTE: The register key is a unique pair for the activation key.
Any new installation needs a new pair of them
Step 6 After next start the system asks for the activation key
To have a fully working system
save the file personal.key to SkySweeper's home directory
(typically: c:\Program Files\SweepSky\SkySwePls412)
After the operation you may delete all in C:\temp
if you want to free disk space
In any trouble, please inform us
This is a short guide for SkySweeper STD/Plus/Pro update
You must have a fully working SkySweeper in your PC
and some program to unpack compressed zip files e.g. Winzip
Step 1
Download SkySweep demo to some folder e.g C:\temp
From www.SkySweep.com you get the latest version, You get C:\temp\SkySwe*10.zip
Step 2
Unzip it with Winzip to C:\temp
You get C:\temp\*
Step 3
Go to c:\temp
Click setup
Now you have a new fully working version of SkySweeper.
Step 4
After the operation you may delete all in C:\temp
if you want to free disk space.
Best regards
Jim Springer
Computer Aided Technologies
- http://www.scancat.com -
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