This should be a simple fix.

At the Splash Screen OR the Database "Program Radio" screen

1 - Click on SELECT RADIO

2 -At the bottom of the "Select Radio Screen",
   there is a timing slider and a couple of "check boxes".


3 - Move the TIMING slider all the way to the Left "0.000"

4 - CHECK the box that says "Increase Read/Load Speed"

5 - Press the ACCEPT button on top of that window to save the changes

This has fixed any problems we've been contacted about so far.

But... if you are still having problems, let me know.


Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 (RS016631@radioshack.com) on Friday, March 07, 2008 at 12:08:14
Customer Name: Jeff Helmkamp
Company: Radio Shack
Address-1: 2341 S Macarthur
City: Springfield
State: Il
Zip Code: 62704
Country: usa
Phone1: 217-787-2295
Product In Use: Scancat lite
Radio In Use: RS modeo pro-163
Cable In Use: rs 20-047
Dealer: C.A.T.
Comments: Program doesn't work on this scanner.  It puts the frequencies in but locks up at the end.  Program stops and prints list but scanner stays in clone mode and remains unprogrammed