
Microsoft no longer ships the picclp32.ocx  (and about a hundred other) OCX/DLL files that were supplied with 
previous versions of Windows XP/98 etc.  If the program you are trying to use depends on this file existing 
BEFORE it boots up, then (with Vista) you are "Out of Luck". This is the case with the AUTORUN INSTALLER
That boots up when you put in the CD.  MAYBE when the next version of Windows comes out they will see
the error in their decisions and start including these files again,

This is a' Google Search for "Picclip32.ocx Missing" - there are over 4900 results for this search, 
    so you can see it is becoming a pervasive problem 

This is the link to the PICCLP32.OCX that we have uploaded to our support site.


SOMETIMES, Instead of downloading the file, your browser will try to display it on the screen in text (gibberish).... 
So if the file ends up on your screen as gibberish, download THIS one INSTEAD

Then rename the file to it's original name  ...  without the ZIP extension.
        IE: "PICCLP32.OCX"              

Vista doesn't like you to access the C:\Windows\System32 folder (Has to do with their new Admin Privileges stuff), so if you save it there and it won't register, try moving it to "My Documents", or create a folder specifically for the file, and then see if it will register. Vista is becoming a real PITA.

This is the location for a utility that will register the "missing ocx".


How to register the OCX file


   * Check if the file exists on your PC:
   * From the Windows Start menu, choose Search and look for the file picclp32.ocx
   * If found, check the properties:
   * Right-click and choose Properties then select the Version tab
     It should be version or later
   * If the file is not found, or you have an earlier version, copy the file
     to your System folder. This varies according to your operating system,
     but should be something like C:\WINDOWS\system32
   * Register the OCX file:
   * From the Windows Start Menu, choose Run and enter
        "regsvr32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\picclp32.ocx"
      (or the appropriate path to the file)
      and choose OK.