
It "sounds" like the data isn't going out the comm port. There is no way I know of that we could turn off a CT-17 (or a comm port). The CT-17 is just a  simple level converter, and has no "switches" etc. Do you have any kind of comm port tester that can show you a visual indication of data flowing into the CT-17.


 The above link is to an inexpensive "data tester" that can be placed in the line between the cable and the CT-17. It "could be" a comm port issue.


I currently own a copy of Scancat Lite Plus and use it with a Radio Shack Pro-96 scanner, but I need a program to control my Icom IC-R7100 receiver, so I downloaded and installed the demo for Scancat Gold. It worked a few times, then the radio stopped responding. Then no software would connect to the radio (it had previously worked with a few Signal Intelligence programs with the same computer and interface cable).
The radio is an un-blocked Icom IC-R7100 with an original CT-17 CI-V interface, straight-cable, on a hardware port (com1, 0x03f8, irq 4). Parameter for this radio and interface are 1200 baud, 8-N-1, no handshaking. Computer is an IBM ThinkPad T41 running XP SP3, Scancat Lite runs fine on this machine. I confirmed connectivity to the CT-17 interface, and I get characters echoed back when the radio is on. Even tried resetting the IC-R7100, but it still won't respond, acting as if something in Scancat Gold disabled the radio, interface, or both. That doesn't make sense, since as far as I know there are no CI-V commands that can do that that permanently. I was looking forward to using this program with both my IC-R7100 and IC-706MKiig transceiver, with the same interface, but that obviously has to wait. Could you please tell me what might have gone wrong that disabled the CT-17 interface permanently? Thanks.
                Alan Boritz

Best regards

Jim Springer
Computer Aided Technologies
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