
We recommend saving to a folder withIN the Scancat-Lite-Plus directory/folder.

You will notice we have already created several folders for saving the different types of files we support - some examples are:

It is suggested that you get into the habit of keeping your files in one of these, as it will be a lot easier to find later.

When other customers have written us about problems with "can't find my saved files"..... it is usually because they are using PUNCTUATION in the filename.  If you use periods (in particular), this may cause our program to cut off the filename (and extension) AT that period. Rule of thumb is do NOT use Periods/commas or --any-- "shifted number character" in the filename.

At the BOTTOM of the FILES (In Database view), you will see "Recently used RSD files", and we keep a "log" of the last several files used.

You might want to click on one of those and see if you can load the file.

Best regards


I received the scanner and programmed the three frequencies for the Alaska State Troopers, and I am receiving them fine, doesn't appear to be encrypted.
I am having trouble saving a folder with just my frequencies and then finding a way to open it back up later?