This is a LINK to the PDF manual that comes with the 20-047 USB Radio Shack Cable. It may not be the most current "PDF", but it will suffice for this exercise.

It explains in detail how to install and UNinstall the drivers for the cable that works with most Radio Shack Scanners.

Download this manual and print it out. It's only 4-5 pages.

On page 4, is this paragraph
uninstalling your cable
Although you can leave unused drivers on your computer, you can
Uninstall the cable drivers, if desired. This may also be helpful if
troubleshooting installation issues.
1. Disconnect the cable from your system.
2. Insert the supplied CD-ROM.
3. Locate and run the FTDIUNIN.EXE program in the Driver folder
   on the CD-ROM.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts.
5. To reinstall the cable, follow the installation instructions.

IF this does not work, then follow these steps
 -  FIRST DISconnect your 20-047 cable from the computer
 -  Then, click on START
 -  Choose SETTINGS > Control Panel
 -  When the Control Panel window shows up:
       1 - Find the SYSTEM ICON (DBL click on it to open)
        2 - Open Tab for HARDWARE
             Then Click on "Device Manager"
       3 - Scroll down to bottom and open up USB controllers
        4 - OPen up that selection by clicking on the "+"
                Usually you can recognize the driver.
                On our computer it is named "FTDI FT8U2XX Device"
        5 - Place your mouse on it, right click and choose UNINSTALL
        6 - Close the control Panel and reboot your computer if requested.

THEN plug in your 20-047 cable. IF you successfully removed the driver for hte cable, the standard "Wizard" will pop up saying "New Hardware found... etc".

You MUST install only this device driver from the supplied CD.

DO NOT let Windows "Find" a driver, you must specify to the Wizard "I have a disk/location", and tell the wizard you want to use your own driver. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PDF (ABOVE) FOR "WINDOWS 2000". This explains how to locate your driver ON THE CD, and --not-- permit windows to "find the best driver"..... or else it will create problems (again)


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